Course Announcement: STOR 891, Fall 2007 Object Oriented Data Analysis J. S. Marron, Department of Statistics and Operations Research Tu-Th 12:30 - 1:45, Smith 107 Object Oriented Data Analysis is the statistical analysis of populations of complex objects. Examples include data sets where the data points could be curves, images, shapes, movies, or tree structured objects. Understanding variation of such populations is a key task, and methods such as principal components, and various generalizations will be studied. A second key task that is currently labeled "machine learning", i.e. clustering/classification will also be considered. Methods such as Support Vector Machines, kernel embedding approaches, and various modifications will be studied. A common feature of such data sets is that often the dimensionality is very high, which invalidates most classical statistical methods, leaving a large area for the development of new methodologies, some of which will be studied. A new mathematical statistical theory, relevant to such data will also be explored. Another interesting direction, motivated by recent developments in medical image analysis, is the statistical analysis of populations of data objects which are elements of mildly non-Euclidean spaces, such as Lie Groups and Symmetric Spaces, and of strongly non-Euclidean spaces, such as spaces of tree-structured data objects. These new contexts for Object Oriented Data Analysis create several potentially large new interfaces between mathematics and statistics.