Papers to Write:

motivated from Cornell Course OR778, Fall semester, 2001

1.  Can get LRD from log-normal durations (in simple model)?  (Gena's + Jan's calculations) (see Lecture 10/3/01)

2.  "tail range" idea?  (see Lecture10-17-01)

3.  "tail curve", mathematical formulation + asymptotics?
Connected to "residual life" ideas? (can tie to lognormal material?, Lecture10-17-01)

4.  Better (finite sample) formulation of asymptotic independence?
(see Lecture 10/22/01 and Lecture 10/24/01)

5.  Start time analysis (see Lecture10-03-01, Lecture 10/10/01 and Lecture 10/17/01):
why not Poisson?
why not weibull?
simple clustered Possion?
better clustered Posssion?

6.  Joerg's Hill estimation analysis?